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Thoughts of a Mrs. Modern-Day Mountain Woman Chapter 17

Writer's picture: Modern-Day Mountain ManModern-Day Mountain Man

Chapter 17: A call to all mountain men, wade into the water and retrieve your traps.

“If it's your job to eat a frog, it's best to do it first thing in the morning. And If it's your job to eat two frogs, it's best to eat the biggest one first.” -Mark Twain

I remember going frogging with my dad once. I didn’t enjoy holding the light for him to get the frog because I felt bad for the frogs, but I sure did enjoy eating the frog legs. I enjoyed, even more though, spending time with my dad at night outdoors. I’m not sure that Mark Twain’s frog quote is really helpful for eating frogs, but it is important to start your job off correctly in the morning and often to do the hardest work first.

I honestly do not think that I would be a very good mountain man for the very reason that I couldn’t wade into icy cold water in the morning! Ask Mr. Mountain Man how long it takes me to get completely in a pool to swim with the kids. I gradually walk into the deep end because I’m too cold to just go under and get it over with. The kids take great pleasure in trying to rush my ridiculously slow process by splashing me or trying to pull me under. How a mountain man could get up and leave his warm fire to walk into cold water in the morning is beyond me! His initiative to start his job first thing in the morning and do what needed to be done is impressive though. There are many jobs that aren’t enjoyable to do, especially first thing in the morning, but it’s the right thing to do the job correctly right from the start.

At the edge of a beaver pond.

Many of my jobs have had bosses who have worked at the company from the ground up. It makes it much easier to listen to and respect them when you know that they understand where you are coming from. As a leader, we should understand this and be willing to help out wherever and whenever we are needed. There are many times where it may not be enjoyable to lend a hand. I remember my first summer camp after college experience. Many very disgusting messes were made by the campers and there weren’t enough people available or willing to clean them up. I volunteered to work on the problem during my break. While it was not in any way enjoyable, it did help me bond with the housekeeping staff. They were so happy that a program director was willing to help them in their tasks. There have been so many times since then that jumping in with willing hands and a happy heart for service have bonded me to the workers and staff members. I truly don’t believe that any job is too small or unimportant to be completed by any member of a team.

As Colossians 3:23-24 reads, “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.” Whether your task is cleaning up disgusting messes, teaching a bunch of rowdy children a lesson, or jumping into cold water to set your traps, remember that it is the Lord Jesus Christ you are ultimately serving, and serve Him with all of heart.


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