An Attempt at Perfection
Chapter 2: Gleam the Cube
One of the fundamental things that I must do in order to test, and possibly show, any part of my theory is valid is that I must show that mankind has never changed since day one of mankind’s existence. When I say not changing, I am not referring to physical structure or appearance; it is clear that mankind has changed a great deal in regard to our physical appearance and stature. (See chapter one for a brief overview of my thoughts on the difference between micro and macro evolution.) Where one’s ancestors lived for long periods of time will certainly influence what a person of today’s hair color, skin color/tone or eye color may look like. What I am referring to is that mankind has never changed in regard to intellectual ability or character traits. I firmly believe that brothers and sisters have always argued, mothers have always loved and wanted the best for their children, and fathers have always been driven to protect and provide for their families. How will it be possible to show this connection? To begin with, I want to start with something the great philosopher C.S. Lewis termed “chronological snobbery.” Chronological snobbery is the act where we, the people of today, look back at all the people that came before us and judge those people to be inferior to us simply based on the lack of “modern” technology. For example, saying how “primitive” the ancient people that lived on the North American soil were because they didn’t implement the wheel into their daily lives as a useful tool, is a grossly snobbish statement and assumption. Or possibly even arguing that they weren’t advanced or intelligent enough to even conceive of the wheel as a tool or machine, this is utter nonsense. They didn’t utilize the wheel because it wasn’t practical or necessary for their daily living. How do I know this to be the case? Simply watch a baby play sometime; they are constantly rolling and moving anything they can get their hands on, including themselves. I am sure the adults of the ancient populations understood that sometimes rolling something to move it into place, say a log that was chopped down for a dwelling, was much easier and more efficient that carrying it. They knew what the wheel was, and they chose to not use it.
Taking Us for a Ride
The only reason why modern man makes the claims that everything before us was primitive and less sophisticated is so we can feel better about ourselves being mostly fat and lazy. Are we really that advanced or knowledgeable than the ancients? Nope, we are too darn lazy to walk from place to place anymore. Seriously, go into any town in the Midwest and you will see people of all ages riding around in golf carts. At least when I was a kid, we still rode bikes, or if we were grounded from our bike as I often was, we walked. Speaking of advanced intelligence of modern man, you wouldn’t believe how many academics and Ph.D. level students I have come across in my years of education that cannot build a proper fire, shape a usable tool out of stone, or know how to interpret the upcoming weather based on years of observation when your very life may depend on that knowledge. These skills were de rigueur for ancient mankind.
So where to go with a plan to try to show these things? You may be wondering about the very name of this chapter “Gleam the Cube” . It comes from a skateboarding movie from my youth. I so wanted to be a professional skateboarder, but ending up as a six-foot two man and weighing in excess of two-hundred and fifty pounds; professional skateboarding was not for me. In this movie, the main character is told to “Gleam the Cube.” Nobody knows what it means, just that in order to truly be a skateboarder, you have to “Gleam the Cube.” That is where I am going with this chapter, I am going to make an attempt to “Gleam the Cube,” sans skateboard. The cube I am going to be using is colloquially referred to as Metatron’s Cube. Who was Metatron you may ask? He is given several different roles and identities in mythical and historical (maybe?) sources. He is an archangel, by some accounts God’s proverbial right-hand man (being) and possibly even an equal to God. In some references he is what Enoch (yes that Enoch from the Noah story) becomes after his ascent into the heavens, an ascent which did not include a human death. There are a few other places where Metatron shows up or is known, but that is actually not the focus of my theory in this chapter, more specifically, it is his cube. Why the cube? Metatron was believed to be the recorder of sorts for God and of the heavenly realm, but even more important, the keeper and bearer of the Cube of Life. The Cube itself has several different names and iterations, but in almost all of them it is considered the perfect model of creation, substance, elements and most importantly, mathematics. You see, what I am trying to show in this chapter is that the ancients possessed and utilized advanced mathematical applications that our snobbishness today looks back on and says that is not possible because “we of today's world” barely understand these things.
Illuminating the Darkness
The unfortunate reality of attempting this is that I am going to have to open the curtain on some parts of modern-day biblical interpretation (especially Evangelical Christianity), more specifically in this chapter, the Creation story itself. This is not done in an attempt to pick a fight or be heretical, but rather to try to show that there might be a different way to read and interpret the Bible that will show something even more profound than an elementary level reading of Genesis. Again, am I always right, or correct? No, of course not, but that is why I am doing it, to try to figure it out for myself, and I am taking you (the reader) along for the ride. This is also the very reason why I am calling it a theory. I find it interesting that there is even a book in the Bible called Revelations, but if a “revelation” doesn’t fit the status quo of what is accepted it is somehow evil or heretical. Let’s be very clear about something, God doesn’t need your help or mine to promote, prove (or disprove), or interpret the Bible. A Creator that can create a universe the likes of which we currently exist in, doesn’t need an echo chamber to validate any part of His creation. I believe it is also important to remember that the Bible was written, assembled, and edited by mankind. God inspired? Perhaps. However, the idea that the Bible is one coherent flowing work of non-stop narrative is simply not true. There are many contradictions, in fact to me, that is one of the most profound things about the Bible. It shows us what happens when a variable is changed and how the solution differs based on how and when that variable is inserted. Remember, this chapter is ultimately about mathematical codes and the supreme intelligence given to mankind from day one of Creation.
To start this process, I want to take you back to my seventh and eighth grade years of school attending confirmation classes at Immanuel Lutheran Church in Perryville, Missouri. The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod pastor that taught this class is one of the most knowledgeable and intelligent men I have ever crossed paths with. In fact, he was a true PhD level theologian, not like the many so-called biblical scholars or theologians that are on social media today (especially YouTube) that are really nothing more than political hacks. Another interesting personal fact about this man is that he was the same pastor that confirmed my father and my older sister. He and I spent many class times and many times after class discussing the literal facts and interpretation of the Bible. I simply couldn’t get my mind around something like the creation story in Genesis. Even as a junior high student it was an impossibility for me to suspend disbelief and teenage logic and accept talking animals, magical trees and the supposed fact that some of the most perfectly designed predators on this planet were once vegetarians (herbivores) because there was no sin, hence no death. The predator part alone really bothered me. Just look at the tiger species. What an absolutely savage killer that exudes such perfect virtue (we will get to what this means in a later chapter) because it hunts, kills and eats its prey. To suggest that this animal was ever a vegetarian (herbivore) is just complete nonsense. God designed it to kill, so called sin has nothing to do with it. I can vividly remember talking things like this over with my pastor, and his calm intelligent demeanor would just repeat over and over, “you are missing the purpose (moral) of the creation story, John.” I would love to have a conversation with him today. In fact, one of my biggest regrets was not being nicer to this servant of our Creator. I was a real turd to him during most of the classes he taught. I would like to think now that he saw something special in me and that is why he tolerated and indulged my nonsense, but it doesn’t make it any better and I live with that regret. Here I am rambling again, what does this have to do with the story or theory? When he didn’t give me the answer I wanted or needed, I didn’t really have anywhere else to go. I could go to these books we used to have called encyclopedias, but they usually didn’t have any more than a cursory reading of anything biblical related. I could go to the library and check out some subject matter books written by an expert, or I could ask someone else in my own small personal sphere what they thought about all things biblical. There was no internet or the vast amounts of knowledge (some good, some bad) that I have at my fingertips today. This leads me to one of the other main reasons why I have decided to write this blog now. As modern-day Christians we are going to have to come to the realization that restricting, repressing, or countering knowledge that can be found by any ten-year-old with a computer is not going to work any longer. The kindergarten level reading of any of the “scientific” topics in the Bible can be refuted and shot down with a ten second internet search. Is it wrong information? Perhaps some of it, but most of it is factual and is very damning against an earth being only six thousand years old. I get it, faith doesn’t need the facts any more than God needs our acceptance or approval of the Bible, but it doesn’t have to be one or the other. People are leaving the church in droves for the simple reason that they are conflicted by information that couldn’t easily be fact checked just thirty years ago. This has caused the modern church (if we still want to call it that) to be a shell of its former self. The church has had to start accepting anything and everything and appealing to social approval and popularity just to keep the coffers full.
My Idea of Perfection
So here we go, Metatron’s Cube. You see, I believe the Creation story in Genesis is a very complex verbal illustration of Metatron's Cube. You will have to stay with me on this one, it is a bit of a mental stretch. We usually attribute Metatron’s Cube, more specifically the Platonic solids (Cube, Tetrahedron, Octahedron, Dodecahedron and Icosahedron) that exist inside the structure of the cube to Plato. Euclid backed this up and was able to show that Plato was correct in having the five solids. These solids are the basic building blocks of everything in nature and exist all through the known universe, with Metatron’s Cube encasing all of them perfectly. I use that word perfectly, because that is what these solids are meant to represent, perfection. The angles, the faces, the complementary nature of these shapes allow all of them to marry to each other in true mathematical perfection. In the ancient Greek world that is how perfection was measured, by mathematics, more specifically geometry. To be clear, it was something that could never actually be achieved, but rather something to aspire to in every facet of life and existence. This is why we refer to it today as a Platonic ideal or relationship, it is the very model of perfection that can never be achieved. However, the fact that we can’t obtain it, doesn’t mean we shouldn’t strive for it. What does this have to do with the Creation story? Remember again I am trying to show that mankind had supreme intelligence from day one. I believe the consensus is that Genesis was written about a thousand years before Plato ever lived. How can Metatron’s Cube (or at least the idea of it) appear a thousand years before it was supposed to have existed? That is my point, how do we know the timelines we are given are accurate? You could argue something very similar with the Antikythera mechanism. It was not supposed to exist in the time that it did either, but it did. The level of clockwork and sophistication that it has was a thousand years more advanced than it was supposed to be. How far back can we take this argument? I don’t know, but I am trying to make the case to at least the ancient Egyptians and Mesopotamians, because they too had mathematical concepts and applications that weren’t supposed to exist during their time; but they did, we can see it in the remains of what they built. Both of those ancient civilizations existed way before the people and civilizations that came along later and wrote the story of Genesis. I am excited to see the developments in the study of areas like Gobekli Tepe that date back to twelve thousand years plus. They also show exceptional understanding of mathematics.
Darwin's Girlfriend Lucy
Back to Genesis and Metatron’s Cube. Have you ever thought about time and the way we keep track of it? I have. In fact, I can’t stop thinking about the profoundness of the scale of our universe and how we fit perfectly into this model with the time model we use. This topic literally haunts my dreams. Think about the creation story and how the math correlates to time, or more specifically the Fibonnaci sequence, the Golden Ratio, Pi to some extent, and especially Metatron’s Cube, which incorporates all of them. No, wait a second, actually it exists because of them, or maybe they exist because it does. Or maybe both. Six days, resting on the seventh? Six perfectly aligned spheres resting on the seventh. You, my friend, have just described Metatron’s Cube. The very definition of perfection. Supporting all that exists in the universe. I keep coming back to the idea of perfection. That is another part of the creation story that I never understood logically. There are no levels of perfection. Perfection either is or it isn’t. To say God’s Creation was perfect until sin, is denying how logically flawed that concept is. If Creation was perfect, then Creation was God, which means Adam and Eve were God. Again, there are no levels of perfection or eternalness (not sure that’s a word?). If something is perfect, it means it cannot be improved upon in any way, which means it has unlimited power, thought, existence, really everything, is unlimited. I also struggle with this concept in regard to the other heavenly beings (and the baddies too) written about in the Bible. There is no limit to something that is eternal, which means by definition it cannot be destroyed. So how does God destroy Satan (adversary?) at the end of times if they are both eternal? If something can be destroyed it isn’t eternal. If there are other heavenly beings that exist with God in Heaven then they must also be perfect, because Heaven is perfect, but that brings us back to the question of levels of perfection being possible. What if the Creation story about perfection is a mathematical concept? Get the formula right, viola, perfection. Change a variable or try to manipulate the formula in a way that drifts away from perfection (Platonic) and you get corruption, death and destruction. The fact that there are two clear differing accounts and timelines of creation in Genesis might also be an attempt at showing something like the communicative property of mathematics. 6 + 1 = 1 + 6. There is more to my argument than just saying six circles (spheres) resting on the seventh circle (sphere) demonstrates the meaning behind the creation story. One of the other names Metatron’s Cube is known by is the “Fruit (or seed) of Life.” Sound familiar? You don’t really think that Adam ate an apple (or some other actual fruit) do you? Mankind has tried to take God’s “fruit” for our own since the beginning of time. Without adherence to God’s intended perfection (mathematics), the universe is meaningless and unattainable. What else can we find in Genesis in regard to these mathematical concepts that are way ahead of their time? How about the ages of the patriarchs in the Bible. I firmly believe that mankind has always had the same lifetime period or life expectancy, within a margin of error for environmental conditions. I don’t believe the grand ages given in the Bible were actually how long the people lived, but rather mathematical codes and concepts that were once again aiming for that ideal level of perfection. Adding up these ages to try to determine the age of the universe is missing what the authors were trying to convey with these unrealistic numbers for human ages. For example, three of the worlds’ major religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam) tie their origins to Abraham, which is why they are referred to as Abrahamic faiths. Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Sarah all have ages given that directly tie to the number seventeen. Why is the number seventeen important? It is the sum of the number seven (there it is again, the number of God’s perfection) and ten. Ten plays into what I will get into next with the Ancient Mesopotamians and Sumerians. Abraham lived to 175 (5 X 5 X 7), Isaac lived to 180 (6 X 6 X 5) and Jacob lived to 147 (7 X 7 X 3). Each of their lifespans utilize a perfect square (the numbers 5, 6 and 7 in a numeric series). The third factor in each of their ages also create a number series (7,5,3) all of which are also prime numbers, with the number 3 having great Biblical significance (Trinity) and the 7 being the numeric representation of God’s perfection (pulled from the inside of Metatron’s Cube). The sums of each of their numeric factoring total 17. The Bible also states Sarah (Abraham’s wife) lived to 127 years, which is the sum of these consecutive square numbers plus that all important number 17. We can keep going in Genesis with Noah’s Ark and the flood story. This topic will get its own chapter later on as there are so many codes embedded in the ages and the dimensions of the ark, but I want to give you a small preview of some of the more fascinating connections I have made with the story. It is no coincidence that 8 people survived and left the ark to repopulate and cover the earth according to the story. In my theory, the 4 males represent the Cardinal Directions (N, S, E, W) and the 4 females represent the Ordinal Directions (NE, SE, SW, NW). That would certainly cover the entirety of the earth in every direction, wouldn’t it? Also, I see something fascinating with some of the numbers given in this epic tale. Again 8 people left the ark, the water was 15 cubits above the highest point on earth, and the ark came to rest on the 17th day. These three numbers; 8,15,17 are a Pythagorean Triple in writing a millennium before Pythagoras was supposed to have discovered it. Our Creator placed mankind on this earth with exceptional intellect and mathematical abilities to draw us closer to His possible perfection.
Ancient Geniuses
I also have a theory about what the Tower of Babel represents. This is one of my favorite bedtime tales. When I used to hear this story about these ancient people building a tall building to reach the heavens and be equal to God, I always pictured a skyscraper ascending into the clouds. However, as I aged and became more knowledgeable, I realized that is not the purpose of the story. Remember, dear reader, my entire A.L.T. is predicated upon mankind always having supreme intellectual ability that would rule out a theory like Darwinian evolution ever getting a foothold. The question is how far back can we go? I don’t believe, as of right now, more than thirteen thousand years ago. Maybe that’s where it all starts, when mankind (Adamu, first man) was brought into existence in this universe. The people that existed in the time period that the Tower of Babel story was supposed to have taken place were not simpletons or morons, or some cartoonish characters in a Sunday school story, they were supremely intelligent, but disobedient to the perfect ideal. They would have known that they could not build a building of any size or structure to reach the heavens. In fact, within viewing distance of the plains where this tower was supposed to have been built are mountain ranges that are well over ten-thousand feet in elevation. If you are trying to reach the heavens with a building, you wouldn’t start at sea level, you would start at the highest known point and go from there. I believe (I say that a lot) that this is referring to corruption and misuse of God’s perfect ideal of mathematics. There has been only one language throughout the universe’s history that is universal and that every man can speak, and that is mathematics. It is the same today. We may pronounce the names of the numbers in our native tongue, but the significance of the numbers is universal. Was mathematics the language that God confused our ability to comprehend the way the ancient (original Adamu) people did? That is the moral of the story to me. If we dig deeper into the times where mankind has had our darkest days (and been the farthest from God’s perfect mathematical ideal) we will see a lack of comprehension about mathematics. Just look at today, we have almost an entire population that cannot do basic mathematics and we wonder why the reverence for God and His Creation has been lost. The closer we are to mathematics, the closer we are to Creation, and most importantly the closer we are to God. Without mathematics there can be no logic. Without logic there can be no determinate factors that lead us to a Creator. I do think sometimes a very special person (ex. Plato, Euclid, Descartes, Bacon, Newton, Einstein, Lennox, etc.) slips through this confusion and we get to see a closer look at the mind and genius of our Creator. There have been both men and women (Madame Curie) throughout mankind’s history that have an understanding and comprehension of mathematics that the rest of us do not possess. With very few exceptions, all of these individuals had a resolute belief in a Creator or Prime Mover. Of course, this Creator was not always called by the name of the Biblical Hebrew God. But what if the Creator all of these illuminates were drawn to IS one and the same. These geniuses saw something we can’t. They must have realized that there has to be a Grand Creator outside of what we know in the universe, because rules, laws, and perfect concepts cannot come from within the very system that is supported by them (hello again Metatron’s Cube).
Let’s go back a few thousand more years before Genesis was ever written, or even before the language that the early Bible was written in was developed, to the ancient people we now refer to as the Mesopotamians. They also had a profound understanding of mathematical concepts that our history books tell us didn’t come about until a thousand years ago. What I am referring to in this case is the base 60 system, and by connection the base 10 system (there is that number again, 10) system they supposedly developed. I think we will see that a discovery will come about in the future that will show it also exists in places like Gobekli Tepe, or even in some of the ancient structures, art, and architecture of the people that were inhabiting what we now refer to as the North and South American continent. The base 60 system has the Fibonacci sequence deeply embedded inside of it. Envision a circle with the numbers 1-60 around it, which is what we use as a clock and the foundation of our time measurement system. The Fibonacci sequence can be added to this circle (a two-dimensional slice of a sphere) starting with zero and placing the numbers of the Fibonacci sequence on each increment marker on the clock. The number 0 at 12:00, then 1, then 1, then, 2 then, 3, then 5, then 8, then 13 (using only the last digit from here on), then 21, then 34, and so on until you arrive back at 12:00 on the dial. What you will see is that the last digits of the Fibonacci sequence repeat every sixty places. The very mathematical perfection of our Creator is encoded in our time measurement system. After looking at the dial once you have placed the sixty numbers, you will notice that all four numbers at the Cardinal Directions are 0 (hello Noah!) and all the rest of the numbers that aren’t zero (56 of them) add up to 10 if you take the number directly across from them on the dial. Now picture the outer ring of Metatron’s Cube (or look at the picture the beginning of this chapter, which was an amazing attempt by my resident artist to create perfection) and do this to all six circles (spheres) that surround the inner circle (sphere), remember Metatron’s Cube is three dimensional, and you will find that 60 X 6 = 360, which brings us back to where we began in an infinite loop. Now add the same pattern to the rest of the circles (spheres) and look at all of the places where they touch or have a point of interaction, and you will see distinct patterns of the Fibonacci sequence. How does this exhibit itself in Creation (mankind)? Our size, scale, and relationship to the universe is also on this base 60 scale system. Want proof? No matter your size, height or location, hold your hand at arm’s length in front of your face with your palm facing you and measure the distance from the bottom of the sun to the visible horizon. You will see that each finger represents fifteen minutes, with your four-finger representing exactly one hour. 15 X 4 = 60. The earth’s distance from the sun in our solar system and the symmetry in the human body (which also incorporates aspects of the Golden Ratio and the Fibonacci Sequence) allow this to work to establish a base 60 system, which is the building block of Metatron’s Cube. Thus the cyclical nature of these connections continue, as though the entire model of the universe was built to the scale of the human body. In fact, we use our own symmetry and size to measure and determine whether other animals should be considered large or small. We use our location from the sun to measure other celestial bodies using the astronomical unit (AU), which is the distance from the earth to the sun. Why does this work? Because our Creator made us mathematical beings that exist in a perfect scale model.
Scale Model of a Scale Model of a Scale Model
And what of the Ancient Egyptians' connections to this? I will save most of that for a future chapter, but here is one fascinating mathematical connection to everything above and this predates Genesis by millennia. The Great Pyramid of Giza is built as a scale model of the planet earth with all of the above formulas and numbers included. If you take the height of the pyramid in cubits (meters) and multiply by 43,200 and take the sum of the sides at the base of the pyramid (perimeter) in cubits (meters) and multiply that by 43,200 you will get an exact scale model of the Northern Hemisphere. Why 43,200? That is the exact number of seconds in one 12-hour time period, which would be half of the planet making its daily rotation on the way to 86,400 seconds. Also, 43,000 is perfectly divisible by 60 twice, which arrives us at the number 12. There are 12 circles (spheres) on the outside of the inner circle (sphere) of Metatron’s Cube. It all keeps coming back to this beautiful, elegant building block the “fruit (seed) of life.” Because of its connections to size and scale that matches the Northern Hemisphere, the Pyramid contains the Golden Ratio (irrational number phi 1.618….) in the internal dimensions and measurements. This also shows up in the measurements given in the Bible for Noah’s ark; it is a Golden Rectangle (sorry I couldn’t resist, I will save the rest of Noah and his ark for a later chapter). The Ark of the Covenant is also a Golden Rectangle. We don’t attribute the discovery of the Fibonacci Sequence as happening until the Middle Ages, but here it is right in front of us in everything, existing since the very beginning of Creation, with mankind having the ability to see God’s perfection in the numbers.
Quest for Eternal Life
In conclusion, where does that leave us in relation to the need for a Savior? If the story of the fall of mankind into sin in Genesis was never the main focus of the story, then why is Jesus’s death and resurrection so important? How does Jesus (His friends called Him Joshua) fit into this part of the A.L.T.? I can hear my pastor’s voice saying, “Don’t lose focus on the big picture or what the lesson of the story is.” I have heard people say, “Call on the name of Joshua” (I see Him as a friend, so I am going to call Him Joshua. There’s even a song about what a friend we have in Joshua/Jesus), and you will be saved. OK, I will go back to using the name Jesus, so we all know who I am talking about. I like the Greek name better anyway. Also, the consensus holds that Jesus was possibly 33 when he was crucified, 3 + 3 = 6. Wow, I get distracted easily, it is possible that ADHD is a real thing. Think back to the perfect ideal, call it the Platonic Ideal if you wish, and think about the story of Jesus. He IS it! The model of perfection as both a man and God. Not to mention the whole idea of the Trinity. Metatron’s Cube is filled and connected with perfect triangular representations. Jesus is what we should aspire to be. Remember, dear reader, He instructs us to forgive our fellow man 70 (7 X 10) X 7 (divine perfection) times, the ideal and perfect equation. This is not intended to mean that we should forgive someone only 490 times, but rather to aspire to the divine ideal of forgiveness. Sheer genius in both the writing and the statement, although no amount of effort or trying will ever get us there, because we are flawed “mathematical” beings. God (and by connection Jesus) knows this. He could fully reveal himself to us or make us all be able to see the beautiful connections that make up our universe, but He doesn’t, because we can’t. We are not perfect; thus, we are not God. We needed a physical representation (Jesus) to show us what we should aspire to. As for the dying of Jesus, remember, you can’t destroy eternal, or it is by definition not eternal. Perfect mathematical equations cannot be corrupted or destroyed. By examining what perfection should be, it shows us that we are broken and when we try to insert our own variables or make our own solutions without a reference for what the actual solution (perfection) is we destroy (kill) what God intended to be beautifully perfect.
Thank you for reading. Chapter 3 Rock of Ages coming soon!
This was very nice! Can't wait for chapter3.